Biro Pemerintahan dan Otonomi Daerah

The Government and Regional Autonomy Bureau has the main task of leading, motivating and organizing the formulation of general policy materials, administrative coordination on the implementation of the tasks of Regional Apparatus as well as administrative services in the field of government, regional autonomy and cooperation, which are the authority of the Provincial Region, carrying out deconcentration tasks until a Secretariat is formed. The Governor as the representative of the Central Government and carries out the Co-administration tasks according to his/her field of work.


The realization of West Java, the Inner and Outer Champion with innovation and collaboration.


  1. Forming a Faithful Pancasila Humans.
  2. Accelerating the Growth and Equitable Development of Environmentally Based and Sustainable Spatial Planning.
  3. Realizing Innovative Governance and Collaborative Leadership Between Central, Provincial and Regency/City Governments.
  4. Giving birth to Cultured, Quality, Happy and Productive Humans.
  5. Improving Productivity and Competitiveness of Economic Business for a Prosperous and Fair People.